Wednesday, December 23, 2009

When is mud dangerous?

1.What conditions might cause a mudflow?
Some conditions that might cause a mudflow, are, the angle in which the slope is at, the composition of the soil, and how much water the soil has saturated.

2.What conclusions can you draw from the two images?
That the soil on slide plane that is tilted at a higher angle, is more likely to create a mudflow than the soil on the slide plane that is tilted at a lower angle.

3. List at least two ways you could make the mud slide off the 30° slide plane without changing the plane's angle.
One way to make the mud slide off the 30° slide plane without changing the angle is to saturate the mud with more water, so that when it absorbs enough water, it will bring the mud down the plane. Another way is to create some type of disturbance like an earthquake that will disturb the mud.

4.What conditions in nature would be represented by the answers you gave for question 3?
One of the conditions would have to be a very rainy area. Without the rain, the mud wouldn't be able to absorb water, it would be dry instead of moist, which is not a good condition for a mudflow. Another area would be near tectonic plates, because a mudflow would need a decent sized earthquake.

5. List at least two factors that contribute to the formation of mudflows on volcanoes.
One factor is when a volcano erupts, it melts the ice and snow, which creates water. This water runs downhill carrying ash particles and other debris. Another factor is if the volcano had a sudden outburst of water at the base of its glacier.

6. How might forest fires affect an area's potential for experiencing mudflows?
It would increase the chance, because the plants and trees were holding down most of the soil, with their roots, but if it's all burned, it has the potential of experiencing a mudflow.

7. Hypothesize about how mudflows could change the topography of an area after a fire.
Mudflows could change the topography of an area after a fire, by changing the shape of the earth, because when mudflows occurs, there's no idea of what shape it will take, when it dries.

8. What human activities strip soil of its protective vegetation and increase its vulnerability to mudflows? This would be construction, some people may want to build a house in the woods, but have to clear out trees. If they were to clear out trees on a hill, they are more susceptible to experiencing a mudflow.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mass Movement

Rock Fall

Rock Fall: When blocks of rock shed from a cliff face and collect at its base.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Boundary Questions

1. The first three boundaries listed are Divergent boundaries, Convergent boundaries and Transform boundaries.

2. Divergent boundaries are new crusts generated as the plates pull away from each other, so divergent means to move pull away. The force that moves the plates apart is magma pushing up from the mantle.

3. A specific mid-ocean ridge is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The country that sits directly on top of the ridge is Iceland. The red triangles of the map are volcanoes.

4.Convergent means a very slow collision.




a. What happens to the Earth's surface above the Oceanic-continental subduction zone is that large mountains are created strong and destructive earthquakes occur, rapid uplift of mountain ranges. Also creating volcanic arcs.
b. What happens to the Earth's surface above the Oceanic-oceanic convergence is that it forms volcanoes. Typically these volcanoes are strung out in chains of island arcs. Those island arcs create trenches.
c. What happens when an continental-continental convergence happens, is that high mountains are created.

7. A transform boundary is when two plates are sliding horizontally past one another. They created a large fault or fracture zone that connects two spreading centers (divergent plate boundaries). One example in North America would be the San Andreas fault zone in California.

a.It is a divergent boundary. The plates that are interacting are the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate in the north being separated. As well as the African Plate and South American Plate in the south being separated.

b.It is a convergence boundary that interacts with the Pacific plate converging with other plates from the west.

c.It is a convergent boundary of the Eurasian plate and the Sunda plate.

d. It is a divergence boundary of the African plate

e.It was a divergent boundary between the Arabia Plate and African Plate.

f.It is a convergent boundary between the Nazca Plate being subducted under the South American Plate

g. It is a convergent boundary between the Pacific and North American plates.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Geologic Timeline

1. What things had to happen were, oceans had to form. Since those oceans were created, cyanobacteria showed up cyanobacteria which created oxygen and slowly filled the atmosphere. Then when the atmosphere was filled with oxygen, multicelluar life was able to live.

2.The Archaeon Eon because that's when the Earth was born. This is also when the Earth finished stratifying and the atmosphere started showing up. Other events during this Eon was, oceans forming and heavy bombardment ending.

3.Human presence was insignificant compared to the History of the Earth because the Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years and life has only been alive for 543 million years.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fossil Identification

ammonite fossil


I think that the first picture of the Ammonites fossil is a replace remain fossil because originally it was a shell. And shell is made of calcium compounds or bone and in this picture it has been altered into a different substance. The molecules of the bone has been changed into some sort of rock over a period of time.
2. Trilobite

I think that the picture is a Mold and Cast fossil because it looks as if the animal that was fossilized had left an imprint of itself. The fossil must of dissolved out of the rock creating a mold and other types of sedimentary rocks must have filled its place creating a cast.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Relative Dating and Strata

I know that layer 3 is the youngest because of the principle of cross cutting relationships, which means the intrusion is younger than the surrounding layers. Next would be 1 because of the principle of superposition in which it is on top of all the other layers. Then would come 6 because of the same reasons. 2 would be next because it is an intrusion but stops at 6 and 4 is older than 5 because of superposition and 4 is under the layer of 5. So the order is 3,1,6,2,5,4.

Friday, September 18, 2009


1.Bob is born
2.Bob looses his first tooth
3.Bob is tall enough to ride the roller coaster
4.Bob starts middle school
5.Bob gets his driver’s license
6.Bob graduates from high school
7.Bob joins the Marines
8.Bob gets married.

There could be some changes, because it depends on what time he lost his tooth or got tall enough for the roller coaster or he could of gotten his license any other time. Because, loosing teeth and growing can happen at different times. He was born 1991.