Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fossil Identification

ammonite fossil


I think that the first picture of the Ammonites fossil is a replace remain fossil because originally it was a shell. And shell is made of calcium compounds or bone and in this picture it has been altered into a different substance. The molecules of the bone has been changed into some sort of rock over a period of time.

2. Trilobite

I think that the picture is a Mold and Cast fossil because it looks as if the animal that was fossilized had left an imprint of itself. The fossil must of dissolved out of the rock creating a mold and other types of sedimentary rocks must have filled its place creating a cast.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Relative Dating and Strata

I know that layer 3 is the youngest because of the principle of cross cutting relationships, which means the intrusion is younger than the surrounding layers. Next would be 1 because of the principle of superposition in which it is on top of all the other layers. Then would come 6 because of the same reasons. 2 would be next because it is an intrusion but stops at 6 and 4 is older than 5 because of superposition and 4 is under the layer of 5. So the order is 3,1,6,2,5,4.

Friday, September 18, 2009


1.Bob is born
2.Bob looses his first tooth
3.Bob is tall enough to ride the roller coaster
4.Bob starts middle school
5.Bob gets his driver’s license
6.Bob graduates from high school
7.Bob joins the Marines
8.Bob gets married.

There could be some changes, because it depends on what time he lost his tooth or got tall enough for the roller coaster or he could of gotten his license any other time. Because, loosing teeth and growing can happen at different times. He was born 1991.